
Geometric Quilts

December 29, 2018


by Mary Beth Krapil


I saw quite a few quilts at the International Quilt Festival in Houston this year that were strikingly geometric. I know from my teaching travels and interacting with thousands of quilters all over the world, that quilters are not fond of math. But there is no getting around it. Math and Geometry play a huge part in quilts. Math is how we arrive at the beauty. Maybe you remember my post from a while back, Math or Art?  The more you know about the math behind the quilt, the better your quilts might become. There is a great post on the Quilt Pro blog about 3D quilts and understanding the concept of three dimensions (a little more math).

Or, maybe you just want to enjoy making and viewing quilts and let someone else worry about the math. So here are some markedly geometric quilts that I enjoyed. Maybe you will too. Many come from a Retrospective of Classical Quilts in a Modern Style by Brigitte Morgenroth.

The first quilt is a favorite tessellation. The name, Never Again – Or Maybe?, stems from Brigitte’s struggle with working with seven layers of fabric.

Nie Wieder – oder doch?
(Never Again – Or Maybe?)
by Brigitte Morgenroth of Kassel, Germany
detail of Nie Wieder – oder doch?

In the next example, I love how Brigitte used different sized triangles together. The same simple shape but differing sizes created motion in this piece.

Flammenmeer (Sea of Flames) by Brigitte Morgenroth of Kassel, Germany

Ocean Waves is another great tessellation quilt with palpable motion.

Meereswogen (Ocean Waves) by Brigitte Morgenroth of Kassel, Germany
detail of Meereswogen

This simple geometric shape, some call orange peel, used with the unique fabric and color gradations creates a soothing pleasing quilt.

Blauer Pfad (Blue Path) by Brigitte Morgenroth of Kassel, Germany

Can you feel the Autumn wind blowing these leaves? All created with triangles.

Wirbelwind (Whirlwind) by Brigitte Morgenroth of Kassel, Germany
detail of Wirbelwind

This quilt by Lisa-Marie Sanders has a striking 3 dimensional appearance with simple circles and only 2 colors.

Internal Combustion by Lisa-Marie Sanders of Cocoa Beach, Florida

This quilt by my friend, Jenny Bowker of Australia, creates depth and drama with simple triangles and expert color choices.

After the Last Sky by Jennifer Bowker of Garran, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
detail of After the Last Sky


You may not love math, but you gotta love the quilts! Which is your favorite?


Written by

December 29th, 2018

by Mary Beth Krapil   I saw quite a few quilts at the International Quilt Festival in Houston this year that were strikingly geometric. I know from my teaching travels […]

9 responses to “Geometric Quilts”

    • Hi Chris, These quilts were on display at the Houston Quilt Festival with various makers. So we really don’t know. Thanks for reading!

  1. Thank you for the blog post. The examples are wonderful. I especially like Wirbelwind (whirlwind). There are so many aspects of color, shape and placement that create movement. Staring at the pictures and trying to deconstruct and reconstruct was valuable.

  2. I’ve seen the Jenny Bowker quilt in person at the Sydney Quilt Show. It is a large quilt and truly amazing, it stops you in your tracks.

  3. to chris

    the never again and ocean waves quilts are log cabin variations.
    a good source is “Log Cabin with a Twist” by barbara kaempfer, published by aqs, 1995.

    hope that helps

  4. I love the tessellations, I will someday attempt this….they look so complicated yet I know they are not…..! Thank you for sharing these. I love the math, always taking time to analyze the piecing in beautiful quilts, to try to understand the process each magnificent quilter took to achieve the quilt!!

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