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Christmas Countdown Quilt-a-long with Helen Godden

December 10, 2022

Have you seen the Christmas Countdown Quilt-a-long for 2022 from our friend, Helen Godden? This is the 7th year that Helen is doing her quilt-a-long. It’s tons of fun and you just might learn a few new quilting techniques along the way. Helen is our Handi Quilter Ambassador who lives in Australia. She’s an accomplished artist and a superb stationary machine quilter.

Where to join

Go here and download Helen’s free pattern. Print it and tape the 6 pages together. Then transfer the design to muslin or fabric. You can prepare the piece for quilting any way you want. I am going to use Inktense pencils to color the image before quilting. If you have never done that before, Helen has a video on her YouTube channel explaining just how to do it. The trick is to use an inexpensive muslin (she calls it calico) that has sizing on it. Watch the video to learn how to tell if you have the right type of muslin.

Helen will post a video each day on her YouTube channel showing how to quilt a section of the pattern.

I got a late start, but I think it will be easy to catch up. If you missed the December 1st start (like me), don’t panic as the videos will be there to watch any time of the year!

Getting started

I downloaded the pattern and printed it. It comes as 6 pages that you line up and tape together. Easy-peasy.




















I used my light box and a Frixion heat erasable pen to transfer the design to my muslin.




















I made a few changes to Helen’s design by leaving out the drum and drumsticks and adding another gift box to the left of the nutcracker. Do you make changes when you are following a quilt pattern? Me too!


Time to color!

I used Inktense water soluble ink pencils and Inktense ink blocks. The process is to color with the pencils or blocks and then apply water with a paintbrush. Water allows the pigment to penetrate the fabric giving a translucent watercolor-like effect. It takes a little time because you must wait for one section to dry completely before you color the adjacent section with a different color.



Ready to quilt

When the piece was completely dry it was pretty wrinkly!


After a quick press with a hot iron to set the color, I am ready for quilting!


I’ll start with Helen’s video for December 1. To catch up, I’ll do a few days at a time and be up to speed in no time.

I hope you will join in on the fun! It’s a great way to spend your daily quilting practice time in the month of December and you ‘ll have a cheerful quilted holiday piece to show for it. I know just what I will do with mine.

Big thanks to Helen Godden for generously sharing her talents and creating an inspiring quilt-a-long project for us all.

Stay tuned for the finish!


Quilt every day!

by Mary Beth Krapil


Written by

December 10th, 2022

Have you seen the Christmas Countdown Quilt-a-long for 2022 from our friend, Helen Godden? This is the 7th year that Helen is doing her quilt-a-long. It’s tons of fun and […]

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