Quilting life

Perfect World

December 30, 2023


I have decided that 2024 is the year for the perfect world. Perfect quilters’ world that is. And I need your help to make it happen.

Why 2024?

In the Women’s Encyclopedia exhibit of quilts by Galla Grotto I saw a quilt called The Territory of Women.

The Territory of Women
by Galla Grotto
Bouccac, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France

In the artist’s statement, Galla says. “Everyone dreams of living in a perfect world. In the language of numbers, perfection for the physical world is four. There are four heroines in my little show. There are no tumultuous passions or bitter disappointments, no jealousy or conflict, just light and pleasantly enveloping tenderness, quiet conversations and trust.”  That sounds quite nice.

OK, in the language of numbers, four is perfection.  Not sure I understand what the language of numbers is, exactly, but let’s go with it. We are starting 2024, 24, FOUR!  I guess that means it is time for a perfect year.

Now is the time for reflecting on the past year and making plans for the new year.  I let my mind wander on how we can move toward the perfect quilter’s world. What tangible actions can we take to get there?

Start small

I’ve found it’s always a good idea to start slow and gradually gear up.

1. Change your rotary cutting blade.

Life (for a quilter) is always better with a sharp blade. No one can argue with that!

2. Pledge to finish ONE UFO.

Don’t make a list of all your unfinished projects (overwhelming!) and pledge to finish one a month (disheartening!). You know you’ll get sidetracked and not be able to keep up. Don’t set yourself up for failure. Set yourself up for a WIN. Just finish ONE this year. Maybe the good feeling you get finishing that one will lead to motivation to tackle more? maybe not? But you will have taken one step closer to your quilter’s perfect world. You have finished a quilt.

Branch Out

A perfect world is one of community. So use the thing you love to do to build community.

3. Make a quilt for someone who would never expect it

My friend, Ann Hull,  came up with this idea and it’s perfectly wonderful. Every year she makes a quilt for someone who would never expect her to give them a quilt. She uses her scraps and Bonnie Hunter’s Patches and Pinwheels pattern. At Christmastime she presents the quilt. It brings her such joy to see their surprised faces. And it brings the recipient surprised joy to receive a gorgeous, everlasting, warm hug from a super kind and loving person.

Patches and Pinwheels
by Ann Hull
with a happy new quilt owner

If you’re reading this, you have scraps. (I know you do). So spend a few minutes each week making a block. Before you know it you’ll have a quilt to gift. The fun part is deciding who you will surprise.

4. Make a new quilty friend.

A perfect world is one of connection. So step out, reach out. Are you a member of a guild? Talk to someone you don’t already know at the next meeting. Chat with someone at the quilt shop. Strike up a conversation with someone at a quilt show.

This might be the hardest task of all, but it is task #4 so it’s the most important. Don’t let the rest of us down. Get it done! You’ll be glad you did.

That’s it. Four things. Four. The perfect world number. If we all do these four things this year I wonder what can happen? Let’s try it and find out. What do you say? Are you with me?

Happy New Year! 2024 The year of the Perfect (Quilter’s) World.

Quilt Every Day!


by Mary Beth Krapil, Handi Quilter National Educator

Written by

December 30th, 2023

I have decided that 2024 is the year for the perfect world. Perfect quilters’ world that is. And I need your help to make it happen. Why 2024? In the […]

7 responses to “Perfect World”

  1. Love # 3… I just did this in October.. recipient was thrilled… and so was I to gift it.
    Working on another now!

  2. I get sidetracked so easily! New fabric and new books and new quilt patterns! My guild is having a row-by-row project where groups of five will contribute a row to a person’s guilt in their group. Our pastor died leaving his wife and three daughters aged 2 to 5 and I am making them a quilt. There are just so many quilts that I want to make! I needed to stay focused on a few or there will be none completed!

  3. What a fabulous blog post! I run a patchwork and quilting business based around community, so I couldn’t agree more. I was also going to promote the ‘just make one’ idea too – let’s keep it real folks.
    All of this has reached me with a smile – Mary, you’re a natural! Thank you

  4. What wonderful ideas. I agree with the previous comments. A new blade is a good idea for sure! Thanks for your inspirational posts. I need to get caught up on my reading.

  5. I love this blog post. Totally resonates with me so I’ll be sharing for you…now to go and finish that UFO. It’s already on my desk, layered up ready for quilting!

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