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Intricate Quilts

September 24, 2022

I was at the American Quilter’s Society show in Des Moines, IA recently. As I made my way through the quilt displays I noticed so many very intricately pieced quilts. These intricate quilts must have taken months or maybe even years to complete.

Of course I took lots of pictures to share with you. Check out these awesome quilts! (You may see my finger in some of the photos, just to give you an idea of the scale of the pieces. I did not touch any quilts!) This is only a sampling of the fantastic quilts I saw.

Intricate quilts

by Janet Stone of Overland Park, Kansas


Love Entwined
by Dawn Fox Cooper of British Columbia, Canada


Summer Fun
by Marina Landi of Sao Paulo, Brazil


Sweet Sixteen
by Cindy Behrens of Waukesha, Wisconsin


detail of Sweet Sixteen

The pieces really are that small!


Bohemian Rhapsody
by Mary Bauer of Crestwood, Kentucky


Starlight Starbright
by Rachel Barack of Los Angeles, California
detail of Starlight Starbright
detail of Starlight Starbright


Triple Treat
by Karen Boe, Marilyn Lidstrom Larson and Barb Simons of Langdon, North Dakota


detail of Triple Treat


detail of Triple Treat


by Simone Steuxner of Haerjedalen, Sweden


detail of Joyride


Amish Chow Chow
by Nancy Simmons of Duncannon, Pennsylvania


detail of Amish Chow Chow
detail of Amish Chow Chow


Grandma Elizabeth’s Garden
by Julie Edwards of Colorado Springs, Colorado


detail of Grandma Elizabeth’s Garden


Bee Attitudes
by Robyn Gragg of Lone Jack, Missouri


detail of Bee Attitudes

That fussy-cut yellow bee circle is less than 1 inch!


Belladonic Haze
by Margaret Solomon Gunn of Gorham, Maine


detail of Belladonic Haze


We are proud that Margaret quilts on a Handi Quilter Fusion!


Just For Nice
by Susan Nelson of Byron, Minnesota


detail of Just For Nice


detail of Just For Nice


by Beth Nufer & Clem Buzick of Brookings, Oregon


detail of Carnival


Nurture Happiness
by Harumi Asada of Aichi, Japan


detail of Nurture Happiness


Penny Tree
by Ann Zemke of Indio, California


detail of Penny Tree


Mardi Gras at Midnight
by Claire Marks of Bremerton, Washington


detail of Mardi Gras at Midnight


by Junko Fujiwara of Chiba, Japan



detail of Laughed?


detail of Laughed?


Amazing, right?   Come back next week and we’ll talk about how to quilt intricate quilts.

Until then, quilt every day!


by Mary Beth Krapil

Written by

September 24th, 2022

I was at the American Quilter’s Society show in Des Moines, IA recently. As I made my way through the quilt displays I noticed so many very intricately pieced quilts. […]

4 responses to “Intricate Quilts”

  1. The amazing ability of the artistry and the art that I see in these quilts oh how I would long to be able to create something that beautiful I do a lot of utilitarian quilts thank you for sharing these

  2. […] Last week I shared a bunch of photos of intricate quilts seen at the AQS Quiltweek in Des Moines, IA. If you missed it, you can see it here. As an educator, the question I get the most is: How do you decide how to quilt something? Checking out the fabulous quilting on these intricate quilts got me to thinking about some intricate quilts that I have done in the past. Quilting intricate quilts, just like any other quilt top, has to be decided on a case by case basis. There is no hard-and-fast rule on how to choose designs for quilting. However, there are some considerations I think about when making choices. […]

  3. Amazing applique and piecing decisions as well as how to quilt. A lot of thought and talent went into these beauties!

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