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Jacksonville Quilt Show – Jacksonville, Florida | Longarm Classes Available

Sep 19 - Sep 21, 2024

Address: 1000 Water Street
Jacksonville, FL 32204 United States

Location: Jacksonville, FL


This quilt show been ongoing for 20+ years and has not previously been interested in holding classes. This will be a first! Buses typically arrive from south of Jacksonville and from SE Georgia.

You can register for longarm quilting classes (during the quilt show!) through Miss D’s Quilt Shop. Miss D will be offering longarm classes and education in a classroom!  If you’d like to enroll in a longarm class at this quilt show, head to Miss D’s website here: https://missdsquilts.com/event/handi-quilter-event-jacksonville-quilt-show-sept-19-21/

Miss D will also have a booth at the show with Handi Quilter machines you can “test drive”!



Contact Email: dkemp@missdquilts.com

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