
Reposition a Design with Pro-Stitcher

May 25, 2024

We have all done it at one time or another. Somehow, we knock our design in Pro-Stitcher out of position. There are a lot of ways this can happen, mostly user error. I won’t go into all of them, I’m just going to get to the important information you are here to learn: how to reposition a design with Pro-Stitcher.

Set up your design

Here is the design I set up for a small wall hanging quilt using the Field of Flowers design in the PS1 folder.

In the photo you can see I stitched out the first row. Your design turns gold as it is stitching.

Advance the quilt

Drag and Drop is the BEST way to advance through your quilt. It locks the design to your quilt as you roll to advance to the new throat space. And advances the design right along with the quilt. If you don’t know how to use Drag and Drop check out the video at titled Edge-to-Edge with Drag and Drop. After you watch the video, be sure to scroll down past the videos and find the printable tutorials. They have step-by-step written instructions with pictures! Print them out and take them to your machine to follow along the steps. Learn the technique using this helper. Keep using the tutorial until you can do it without looking at the paper.

I got distracted and advanced the quilt without touching Drag! So, the design was not locked to my quilt when I moved it. The design is no longer aligned with the quilt. I should not be chatting with a fellow Handi Quilter educator on the phone while quilting!

The good news is, I know what to do and it is not hard. Let’s go through it together step-by-step.

Find your spot

Find a spot on the design that is already quilted. Make it an easy to find spot, because you will have to find the same spot on the design on the PS screen.

I chose the point of the leaf near the bottom of the design.


Bring your needle over the spot and put the needle down right in the point.

Look at the screen. You will find that the crosshairs (that represent your needle) are not in the same spot on the design.

In my case the vertical crosshair line is lined up with the point of the leaf but the horizontal line is up way higher.

Move the design

Go to the Modify tab and the Reposition button on the ribbon.

On the side bar (on the right), you will see the Nudge feature. It has 8 directional arrows and a number box in the center. When you touch one of the arrows the design will move in that direction by the amount in the number box, in inches. My default on my Pro-Sticher is 0.1 inch. That’s one tenth of an inch or about 1 stitch.

I needed to move my design up by several inches so I changed the amount in the number box by touching the box and typing the number I want.  When you touch the number box a pop-up number pad lets you type in a number. Don’t forget to touch enter! I changed it to 1 inch.

Then I touched the up arrow a few times til my crosshairs were close to the point of the leaf. You can see how the design moved up and out of the original area.

Zoom in

To be as accurate as possible use the zoom tool on the Quick Access toolbar to zoom in on the point.

You can see I was close but not exactly on the point of the leaf.


I switched my nudge tool to a super-tiny 0.01 inches, that’s 1/100th of an inch. It lets me fine tune the position of the design in relation to the crosshairs.

I use the arrows as needed to get the point of the leaf right at the intersection of the crosshairs.

Perfect! My design is now back in position and I can continue quilting. This same technique can be used ANY time your design gets off-kilter and you need to put it back in line. BTW this works on Pro-Stitcher Premium and Pro-Stitcher Lite.

Quilt Every Day!

by Mary Beth Krapil





Written by

May 25th, 2024

We have all done it at one time or another. Somehow, we knock our design in Pro-Stitcher out of position. There are a lot of ways this can happen, mostly […]

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