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HQ Pro-Stitcher Designer Club Session 3 (3 month subscription)

Sep 19 - Sep 19, 2023


Learn to love your Pro-Stitcher Designer, Quilters! We continue the journey in this three-monthly installment course. You’ll build upon what you learned in Sessions 1 and 2, (January-June 2023), to master the fabulous Pro-Stitcher Designer tools and features. If you missed Sessions 1 and 2, it’s not too late! Call Southern Charm and register, then watch the recorded classes to be ready for the start of Session 3 on July 18th!

Requirements: Personal computer with mouse and keyboard. Must have attended Zoom classes January through March. The next three months builds upon the lessons learned in prior session.
Instructor: Susan Manry, HQ National Educator
Instructor Bio: Teacher Name: Susan Manry, Threadhead Email Address: me@susanmanry.com Phone Number: 512-619-0655